Maladignia's blog
Sitting cat Welcome to my home-cooked journal.
Here you will find my rants about every day life and things that keep me busy.
In the past I have frequently written, but there's no saying if I'll continue on that path. It all depends on how busy I am.
Have fun reading my scribbles.
Parnassos Anniversary 2014

So, for the 20th year of existence for Parnassos I participated in a belly dance performance. Performing 5 times in one week (10-13 December); it was great! We had a varying amount of audience (from 0 to up to 50 people I think) but a lot of fun.

End pose of my solo Our group

On the left the end pose of my solo. On the right our group (minus one, she fell sick on the last day) in our blue-and-gold costumes.

Written by Brenda :: 07 Jan 2015 - 14:34 :: 0 Comments :: Link
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