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Last Sunday we had the Theaterobers presentation. It all went very well and I was especially proud of my two solos. I had the first solo of the evening with 'Fever' and that one went very well. I was the last solo before the break with 'Big Spender' which also went well, but the headset I was wearing gave me some troubles. Sometimes it seemed not to pick up my voice, resulting in my fiddling with it which wasn't good for the overall performance. But the singing went great. I stood on the stage on my own without dying of nerves. w00t! So, no more Wednesday evening lessons. No more Monday evening sports either; yesterday was the last belly dance lesson of this season. This Friday will see me and two other women perform (as the first group) at the belly dance party in Hengelo. Yesterday's practice went great, despite te heat. I ordered a cow skin via Marktplaats and it should be delivered today. I really hope so. The seller seemed genuine and even sent me the package number last Saturday. Lets just hope that the mail won't make the package 'disappear'. I want to use the skin for a prehistoric costume. I'm doing lots of research for Taboe, mostly about costuming, tanning and cooking. It's all really interesting and such a shame that there is still so much unknown about the life of people before they began to settle. However, there's this guy whom is so taken with stone-age life that he gives workshops and courses and lots of info on his site. Got a call a few minutes ago that the car is ready to be picked up. Costs: a little above 200 euros but considering what had to be done this is next to nothing. That's a good thing because my salary of this month hasn't been payed yet. Something with certain parties that don't pay their bills.... No reason to panic though. I still have enough money on my normal bank account and lots more on my savings. It's just a bit... sad... Well, back to work though the weather is really much too good to be working indoors. Written by Brenda :: 29 Jun 2010 - 20:37 :: 0
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Red belt
Yay, I graduated for my red belt in taekwondo yesterday. It was a combination of a club championship and exams. I didn't win a price in my poule but the three people who did win are really good, so I'm not ashamed. And I did do well enough to pass for my red belt, so yay anyway. Unfortunately I had to miss the first try-out of our Theaterobers presentation because of the taekwondo exam. Next week on Wednesday is the last lesson and on Sunday we have the final rehearsal and the performance in the evening. I haven't performed 'Big Spender' for a while now... I should really practice before next Wednesday. So next up on exciting things is the Theaterobers presentation on the 26th and after that on the 2nd of July the belly dance evening. I have made a cool costume that I am actually allowed to wear, even though there are two other dancers from my group who will participate. Normally you all wear the same thing. This weekend the Saturday is still free of plans, though Matthijs might visit his father for father's day (mine is on vacation). On Sunday we have a balfolk beginners workshop (Matthijs wants to thoroughly learn the waltz) and ball in the afternoon/evening. I think that Saturday I'll work some more on my belly dance outfit and the 'bustle skirt' I'm making for the Theaterobers presentation. I'm also already getting ideas for Taboe, a LARP in a prehistoric setting, coming October. This will of course take some preparations and costume making. Most costumes that I have are medieval-ish or too detailed. In the neolithic age people were glad to be able to weave squares of fabric (when not only wearing animal skins) and would not use patterns to make the clothes fit your shape. So no flattering garments. I just hope that I'll be able to make something warm. Something unrelated. I made a gallery for the Damada photos. It starts with lots of pictures of Melisse 'helping' to pack. Stuff
Brought the car to the garage yesterday for the APK checkup. Failed again. Something with rusty parts of the brakes, CO2 emission a bit too high and a creaking sound when making turns. APK has to be passed on the 15th of this month (next Tuesday) but the garage is so booked that they only have time for the fixing on Friday next week. Let's hope that won't become a problem... I passed my theory exam for taekwondo yesterday with an 8. I was a bit nervous because I hadn't studied much and I was very tired still from Exodus. I did my oral exam together with Bernard and we completed each other nicely. Pfhewww... one thing less to worry about. Next week on Wednesday we have club championships that will also count for the practical exam. I'm going for the red belt (next is red-black and then black, but I have no ambition for that). Belly dance is going great. Yesterday Claudia (the teacher) and I were filmed while doing our dance on Ojos Asi (Shakira) and except for some glitches on my part it looked great. The skirt I was wearing even gave the illusion that I have hips. :-p On the 2nd of July there's a belly dance party in Hengelo and we will perform there. If there's no one else in my group with the courage (or time) to participate I'll dance alone or with Claudia. Exiting! This Friday we have an EE meet and BBQ (if the weather allows it), on Saturday I'm visiting my grandmother because I could not attend her 80th birthday party due to Exodus and then the birthday party of Jojo and Tim. Sunday is blissfully free of plans. Perhaps we'll watch 'Alice in Wonderland' in the evening. I got the DVD when I was shopping for t-shirt markers last week. On the 27th we have the Theaterobers performance but except for that the weekends are free up until the Summoning. That is to say, we have noting planned yet, there's enough things to do.Written by Brenda :: 08 Jun 2010 - 12:44 :: 0
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Exodus VIII
Has come and gone. Except for the last minute work on The Heart and the 'Doem' t-shirts it was a fairly relaxed preparation and an even more relaxed event. Most of the NPCs were gone the whole day, leaving me with lots of time to relax in the sun or help with other preparations. It was the end of a 8-part story and even though there were some 'shit, we should have done this differently' moments it felt like a good final event. Olga has written a nice post about the things we've learned and several players have written their reports too. Nice reading. So now we can focus on Dead Fox Junction, the last Lextalionis and another new oneshot next year. Improvising things and building props for Exodus has left me itching for more crafting. So let's get busy! Written by Brenda :: 08 Jun 2010 - 12:43 :: 0
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