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Shoes, tools and moots
First of all: the shoes did well. They were actually more water proof and warmer than the normal shoes I wore to the Moots! However, leather stretches and after one day of wear they were a bit too big. So I may have to take in the back seam and hopefully that will be enough. The front seam is more difficult. And I could use a bit more sheepskin stuffing, I think. Still, for a first official try they were great. A bit unrelated: tools. I made a bandaid-belt for the Moots (on the Thursday of packing...) and it was very handy. VA has changed some rules and bandaids now actually help heal persons, instead of postponing real problems for 10 minutes. So it pays of to have some with you at all times if you have the first aid skill. I only lost 4 because people did not return the bandage. Well, that was to be expected. None fell out of my belt though! Even more unrelated, but it's in the title of this post; this is a very nice tool to use for making image maps and creating the image map code: It's a free tool and it works fantastic so I hope to help them by posting this link here. Keep it free and keep it up! It's a great alternative to ImageReady, which no longer comes with newer versions of Photoshop. As for the moots, the weather was great! The big plot sucked though, if you ask me. Though I might have missed the big idea. All I noticed was a lot of very annoying zombies that spread healer-draining diseases and some big bad ass boring ritual in the pentagon that had something to do with a place that torments souls (maelstrom). Our faction plot was better. Enid is no longer carrier of part of the Wülthgar solution and to get there I got to do some nice acting (it was not even emo!). Still, the Saturday night was a bit of an anti-climax. The chained persons had a deadline at 00:00 to bring Wülthgar his 'compassion' back (the emotion we'd stolen from him and encased in Enid last Summ) but besides lots of inner torment and a useless chained arm nothing happened. No big bad summoning of the chained people, no quest or action or struggle to get this 'compassion' to Wüthgar. The plot just died at 00:30. I went to bed early because my throat was starting to ache and nothing was going to happen anyway. It was a good decision because on Sunday we were up nice and early to prepare pancakes and my throat had stopped hurting. ![]() We did a lot of IC cooking again. Matthijs wanted to try out all kinds of things for Taboe where he will be cooking. So we made Irish soda bread in the DO (the dough was a bit too moist and we got a flat bread, but it tasted good with soup), we made pancakes with flour, eggs and milk (no prefab package), a grain dish (not really my thing) and roasted chicken. Our new supply tent was wonderful. (Un)Fortunately we didn't get to find out if it was waterproof because of the great weather but with all the stuff safely in the supply tent there was room for Cora and Rene to sleep in our tent (Yvonne didn't participate this weekend, so no extra tent). I made a little gallery of our Moots pictures. So, next up an empty Taboe-preparation weekend and then Taboe. The cold has got me worried a bit though... Written by Brenda :: 14 Oct 2010 - 10:52 :: Prrrr.. 1
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I've got shoes!
![]() Finally, they're about finished. Yesterday I finished the last inner shoe of sheepskin, which will keep my feet from sliding in the oversized leather outer shoe and keep my feet warm. I've posted it as a project on Cut Out and Keep so you can read the details there. They will be tested at the Moots this weekend. Now for Taboe I only need to: turn deer and reindeer into a poncho, add sleeves to my linen underdress, finish my animal hood, make some rucksack like thing, collect bedding material. For the Moots we need to varnish the suply tent poles and the wooden blocks of the guy ropes, pack all our stuff (in this rather busy all-evenings-an-appointment week) and enjoy the event. |