Maladignia's blog
Sitting cat Welcome to my home-cooked journal.
Here you will find my rants about every day life and things that keep me busy.
In the past I have frequently written, but there's no saying if I'll continue on that path. It all depends on how busy I am.
Have fun reading my scribbles.
And a happy birthday it was

I celebrated my birthday last weekend for friends (Saturday) and family (Sunday). On Saturday we had a picnic theme: no need to bring presents, just bring food. I got both! A lot of people did not want to 'show up empty handed' so they brought both a gift and snacks. How sweet! Pretty earrings, money, a book coupon, 2 Disney puzzles, a tea bouquet and a navigation system (from Matthijs). Aside from cookies, quiche, salad, Celebration chocolates, Disney bubbles (no alcohol), something-to-destroy-your-teeth (but oh so yummy), wraps and more!

On Sunday I got presents from my family. Mostly from my wish list (2 puzzles, DVDs, large soup pan, plants), but also a few surprises (a fake tattoo starter kit (!!), a spud and a large metal dragonfly for in the garden). We had soup (Indian peanut-soup) and salad for dinner. Most of it got nearly finished.

The weather on both days was good enough to sit outside in the back yard. Yay! Thank you Summer! So this was a very good birthday year for me. :-)

Written by Brenda :: 31 Jul 2012 - 18:23 :: 0 Comments :: Link
Points for MicroSoft

I don't say this on a regular basis, most of the time I'm complaining about their non-standard-compliant browsers, but points for MicroSoft. Last week I fried my USB-hub, USB audiocard, tablet and MS keyboard by putting the poweradapter of our battery charger into the USB-hub. Yes, I am a blonde..

My darling boyfriend managed to fix my tablet for me by ordering and replacing a certain chip on my tablet. He also contacted MicroSoft to ask if they had a new printed circuitboard for my keyboard, since he couldn't quite find out which little particle was damaged. Instead of sending a circuitboard MS decided to send a whole new keyboard. No charge.

So, points for MS. And lots of love to Matthijs for fixing my f*ckup.

Written by Brenda :: 16 Jul 2012 - 18:56 :: 0 Comments :: Link
Birthday wishlist

Dear Summer,
for my birthday on the 29th of this month, I would very much like real summer weather. You know, with sunshine instead of rain, temperatures around 22 degrees Celsius instead of 16, that kind of thing. If you do not give me this I will feel compelled to schedule my birthday next year in Spring and we wouldn't want that, now would we?

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Best wishes,

Written by Brenda :: 16 Jul 2012 - 12:07 :: 0 Comments :: Link
Lots of W00tness
  • Met Mariska again, friend from highschool.
  • Got back lots of money (4 numbers) from taxes.
  • Saved a sparrow and a frog from our little hunter Melisse (did you know frogs can squeel?)
  • Finished painting one of the attic walls and plastered the second. One more to go.
  • Did nifty preparations for Exit, getting excited now!
  • And.... *drumroll* I can come try out at the Bergkamp Sibbe (living history group only 10 minutes walk away from here) in August. Actually they wanted me to come over this Sunday (8th of July) but I'll be busy with Exit then, so that's a no go.

Still don't know what to do with my life, but I'm not the only one. I figured that out when I went to the reunion of our highschool last Saturday. Unfortunately only a few of my hang out buddies were there. The rest were mostly people I tended to avoid back then. I do seem to be one of the few that has had only one employer so far....

I have sent invitations for my birthday and am really happy with the replies so far. A lot of people that can not come due to various reasons (like being on vacation.. no surprise there), but also some very positive replies of "I'll be there". So at the moment I'm a lot more positive about my birthday than last years.

Written by Brenda :: 10 Jul 2012 - 10:55 :: Prrrr.. 1 Comment :: Link