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Good stuff is happening
![]() I sent an open application to Studio Fonkel 2 weeks ago and got invited to a first interview a week later (that went on for 1,5 hours!) on Monday. The Friday after that they called me to tell me that they would like to offer me a job, but that they want to 'wait out' the summer; with interns leaving and a couple of potential clients coming in. So they will call me again in the second week of September (after their clients and my vacation) so we can discuss the work they have for me and how to proceed (terms and stuff). Exciting!! We both agreed that this is not 100% binding yet: if they don't have work for me well... there's no work. If I find an other job meanwhile I'm free to do so. However, I have the feeling that we'll see each other in September and I might (finally) switch jobs then! The image you see on this blog post is me at the day of the A-dance end of year shows last Saturday. The photo is made with a phone so the quality isn't really all that, but it gives an impression. It was a long day with lots of waiting (and a dressing room shared with hyperactive Wushu kids and their mothers and fathers...) but it still feels so good to be on stage, even though it is only 4 minutes in a show of 2 hours. In the afternoon I made less mistakes than in the evening show, but in the evening show I had more fun. So I ordered the DVD of the evening show. I watched an (illegal) video (made with a phone too) of the evening show and I am sure that a non-dancer wouldn't have seen my mistakes. And we're all rocking it!! We were with only 8 girls on stage, so there's nobody to hide behind. You're always 'in the spotlight'. The streetdance lessons will continue into the summer (there's no real summer stop) but from the 16th of July I will be travelling to Bussum on Wednesdays for mini-workshops belly dancing by Roos. Looking forward to that! Though it is a shame that I have to miss the last lesson (with zills!) because I will be rehearsing "When I fall in love" with ex-members of Musilon for the wedding of Suus and Michiel in August. But that is replacing one fun thing with another, so not too bad. ;-) Depending on how much I like these summer lessons I might decide I want to do my next season of belly dancing in Bussum. And depending on that I might have to switch lessons at A-Dance again. (OMG: it felt so good that some of the Tuesday group, where I danced last year, still recognized me and came to talk to me and stuff!) I got some more exiting stuff coming up, but more about that later. I do not want to get hopes up and then have to say it didn't work out. Written by Brenda :: 30 Jun 2014 - 18:20 :: 0
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Updated todo list
And another month gone without blogging. Shees. Well, life has been a bit easier now that we had the performances of #Contact@dvertentie. The flashmob went rather ok, though it was very rainy and thus not very busy in the streets of the city. The performances went very well, except for the Saturday afternoon which felt more like a dress rehearsal; we even skipped a whole scene! But the evening performance and Sunday afternoon were a blast. Then the weekend with my mother (Saturday) and father (Sunday, his birthday party) was very nice. Though on Saturday we actually broke of a game of Arkham Horror because it was going nowhere and people (me too) got frustrated. We had good conversations, the food was very nice, the weather was great. On Sunday we did some unexpected things for my dad's birthday: golf, skeet (kleiduiven schieten), drive a quad and shoot at moving targets with bow and arrow. I liked the bow and arrow part best and the golf least. I'm actually better at skeet than Matthijs. The weather was lovely and I was the more grateful for it when on Monday and the whole week afterwards the rain just wouldn't stop. Last Wednesday evening (28th of May) Matthijs went to Harderwijk for 10 days of sailing. They're making a trip to England. The goodbye was a bit hasty because Matthijs wasn't really structured in the packing and then had to hurry to catch a train. I was afraid I would miss him very much but I kept myself too busy. Only in the evenings when I get back from sports there's nobody here to greet me and ask how it was. Last weekend we had a 'walk in the woods' with the Bergkamp Sibbe as our annual outing, with a nice dinner in a restaurant around 17:00 and afterwards looking for game in a nearby forest. We actually saw some deer. Then on Sunday was a normal Sibbe day with 'nettles' as theme (making rope, soup, dye from nettles). Again good weather this weekend. I started a new Coursera course: do you have what it takes to become a veterinarian? It's a very light weight course so it doesn't take up as much time and brainspace as, say, 'Introduction to Genetics and Evolution', which was rather challenging. I thought this new course would perhaps be a good idea considering that I want to do something else for a job but still don't know what... I'm still browsing job vacancy sites as well but most vacancies require an education that I haven't got or are about caring for elderly/handicapped people or children or selling fashion (yuch.. fashion). The thing is that I can only can come up with working in a store (like the one selling wool and embroidery stuff here in Amersfoort) and then wondering if that wouldn't become a drag way too soon. Working in Archeon would be very cool too, but does that pay enough to pay our bills? And Alphen a/d Rijn is still quite some distance from Amersfoort. Anyway, feeling that I'm doing something to change my life work-wise (even though there's no actual result yet) has given me a bit more energy so I have been able to do some stuff that was on my todo list (but some things are big projects):
So the main things that I haven't gotten around to yet are the larger projects like sewing and felting and the finishing of my make-up case (though I have been using it for Amersical already). Other stuff that I did do but was not on my list: make a system for storing earrings without hooks, put sackcloth around the scratching pole on the first floor in the hopes that our cats will enjoy scratching the upper part too (up till now, not a success), re-order the stuff in our bathroom closet and throw away old drugs.
Well, back to another |