Maladignia's blog
Sitting cat Welcome to my home-cooked journal.
Here you will find my rants about every day life and things that keep me busy.
In the past I have frequently written, but there's no saying if I'll continue on that path. It all depends on how busy I am.
Have fun reading my scribbles.
Yay, a bookcase!

This week I redecorated my living room, it now looks like a living room instead of a collection of furniture. And this Saturday, my dad came to Enschede with the trailer to bring my easel a small bookcase and some general stuff. Then we visited Het Goed to pick up a dinner table and three matching chairs and a huge bookcase. I now have a bookcase in my living room that is almost 4 meters wide. I'll have to clean it before putting stuff in it. While my dad was around we also went to the Praxis again to get some self adhesive skirting strips (plakplinten). We only have to do the living room with the strips and then all floors are finished.

After putting stuff into the bookcase the living room is finished, except for putting nice lamps and some plants around the place. At the moment there's only one light bulb haning from the ceiling.
After that we'll move to the study, put in some desks and chairs. This week my internet will be delivered so I can finally work in my own home. That has taken long enough already...

Then the 'tinker-room' or hobby room where I will be making cards, clothes, costumes etc. We still need to put the table in.
In almost all rooms we need to hang up the lamps. The bedroom needs some bedside tables and a chest for the bedding. Then moving all my stuff to Enschede, some nice hangings on the wall and there will finally be time for a house warming. About time after 4 months...

And Matthijs and I need to do something fun again soon. At the moment our contact moments are mostly work-related contact (he is helping me with some coding) or work around my house. And I need to make personal gifts to thank a lot of people for all the help during the moving and such.

Work is going ok. I've been given a huge task, with which Matthijs is helping me, and my contract will be extended for a year this month. They are really happy with me. :-) Unfortunately for us, one of my colleagues is leaving us for a different job elsewhere. He's the other programmer in Amsterdam (we have another in Eindhoven) and with him gone we really need a new programmer. Check for more information.

Written by Brenda :: 11 Mar 2007 - 12:04 :: Prrrr.. 1 Comment :: Link