Maladignia's blog
Sitting cat Welcome to my home-cooked journal.
Here you will find my rants about every day life and things that keep me busy.
In the past I have frequently written, but there's no saying if I'll continue on that path. It all depends on how busy I am.
Have fun reading my scribbles.
Preparing for Destiny IX

Since I can borrow my mother's car next Friday to drive to Bladel where Destiny IX will be held, I wanted to practise some more in her car. It's a 156 km trip to Bladel with 135 km of highway and it's my first big trip. Or well, it was to be my first big trip. But today we did some practising. First we did some grocery shopping and with the Easter Holiday it was rather crowded on the parking lots near the supermarkets. So I had a good share of practise in handling aggressive driving styles, people with grocery carts, backwards parking etc.

Afterwards I told my mom that I wanted to do some highway practise too and she immediately made an appointment with my aunt for a visit. So I drove us to Deventer and back.
All went well. Of course I killed the engine a few times, but I didn't make any driving erros that made other people blow their horns or put them in danger. When I finally got used to the car the drive was even relaxed. We also filled up the tank.

All these preparations are not only for next Friday, but also for May 16th till the 6th of June, when my parents are on vacation and I can use my mother's car. :D And in September my mother will get her new car and I can have her old one. Yay, my own four wheels!

Hmm, tried to check what my last blog post said about my work, wether I told you all about my new-contract-with-extra-money or not when I discovered that my blog was broken. Ninni still responded via putty, and I soon discovered that only my blog was broken, my site still worked.

"Check the error log" is what Matthijs would say, but where to find my error log? After some searching in random directories I found my error log. Telling me that there was an 8 where a 'something else' was expected on line 1141 of some file. Didn't know what it meant but when I took a look at said file I found that a { had been transformed into something like 8'Xa or something. So I changed it to { again and my blog was back!!
So proud of myself!

Written by Brenda :: 07 Apr 2007 - 20:27 :: 0 Comments :: Link