Maladignia's blog
Sitting cat Welcome to my home-cooked journal.
Here you will find my rants about every day life and things that keep me busy.
In the past I have frequently written, but there's no saying if I'll continue on that path. It all depends on how busy I am.
Have fun reading my scribbles.
Blundering through life

After the 'kaasschaaf'-incident, I cut off a piece of my thumb, I had a new self damaging disaster.

Last Saturday Matthijs and I would go visit 2 possible locations for the upcoming Exodus. We planned to drive away at 08.45.

At 07.30, 20 minutes before the alarm, I woke up feeling nauseous. After throwing up once, and having some bowel-problems I still felt ill. Knowing that we had to drive a lot and leave soon, I mustered my courage and put my finger in the back of my throat. That did help a bit, and it allowed me to take a pill against more bowel-worries (with a smaller chance to puke the pill out again). With that 'fixed' we were able to leave at 09.30. Still, I didn't feel too well, but I managed to drive to De Lutte and from there to Wehl. (more than 2 hours driving in total).

I didn't eat anything that day, I only drank water. I didn't feel hungry at all and my stomach was still upset. In the evening, when I was finally home I managed one cup of tea with some sugar and went to bed.

This whole thing made it impossible (or at least very unwise) to go sailing with Matthijs and his father and (half)brother(s) that evening. I hoped to join them the next day, but here comes the real damaging part.

At 03.00 at night I went to the toilet. When I got something to drink and looked in the mirror, things started to show black stripes. All I could think was "I've got to get back to bed and lay down". Next thing I know has something to do with darkness, door, floor and then my mother sitting beside me.

Now I have a bump on my forehead, a sensitive nose (I'm lucky I don't have 2 black eyes), and two cuts in my upper lip.

Well, no sailing on Sunday either (I had another blackout that morning, but I sat down before things went wrong). And no getting up at 06.00 to go to Amsterdam today.

Written by Brenda :: 02 Jul 2007 - 17:09 :: Prrrr.. 3 Comments :: Link