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Happy Cheester (Vrolijk Kasen)
Last weekend was the weekend of Exodus IV. As a prank we turned Easter (Pasen) into Cheester (Kasen) and let people scout the terrain for red-white-blue cheese-flags. It's how some events physrep their herbs, so when people go searching for herbs they are actually looking for cheese-flags. (We work with plastic plants) Anyhow, that was just a small part of the weekend. On Friday we had project Doll house. The players were captured in a little box that turned out to be a doll house with all sorts of dolls (porcelain, wooden and rag) that lived their happy little lives there. The nasty thing was that some of those dolls had been actual people, one of which had even been part of the players group. Worrying. ;-) On Saturday we turned the location into the city Banish, with guilds, a library with a very bureaucratic system, court of media tycoon Kabul Kajafas, a newspaper and even some porn magazines. In the evening we had a little family drama with the eldest (infantile and locked away, kept secret) daughter of Kabul getting married with the handyman who was (ofcourse) only after the money. Rebecca (the daughter), played by me, was 25 years old with the mental state of a 5-year-old. She didn't see the problem and why people were so angry and sad. Emo-play! On Sunday there was some more Banish, and players finally getting inside the library to search for information. They also tried to put some dolls back into the box and in the process lost 2 players who went inside as well. Since I was running the 'spelkot' I didn't see much of the play, but news trickled in through the npc's and other SL's. It seemed that people had fun. The 'spelkot' went rather well this time. I had had time to check the contents of almost all boxes and plastic bags before people started asking me 'do you have... for me'.
After the cleaning and a quick stop at the nearest MacDonalds we drove home (2 hours) and went to bed at 22:30. Well, today a normal workday again. Sitting in the cold, sanding the car, didn't do my health much good. So I woke up with a cold this morning. However, I still have happy vibes from this weekend, so I'll manage. Written by Brenda :: 25 Mar 2008 - 11:24 :: Prrrr.. 1
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