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Workspace upgrade
Finally, after some nagging by Matthijs and having to give him back his desk chair since his internship ended, I decided it would be time for a decent desk chair of my own. And while we were at it, also a keyboard to connect to my laptop. So yesterday evening we went to IKEA and MediaMarkt and got both. I have to get used to this keyboard... the spacebar is a bit tough and the board is divided in two areas, with both areas slanted outward a bit. So sometimes I hit the wrong keys.
Since July has been a bit of a quiet month if it comes to bloggin, here a short update. Went to the 13th Summoning with a group of friends, playing 'barbarians' (actually: non-Roman people). Had a lot of fun trying to convince Jans character to come back home with us and be a good tribal chief. He refused; lots of conflicts and emo-play. The weather was a bit icky at the start of that long weekend, but fortunately it got better in the end, and we could pack up everything in dry state. Also went to the musical Tarzan that Saturday. Drove up and down from Ommen to Scheveningen especially for that, and it was well worth it. What a show! Costumes were marvelous, the set was brilliant, songs were really moving and the various people hanging above the audience a real surprise. A wonderful day. Matthijs bought the CD and a DVD with the making of. The weekend after the Summoning I went to Spain to participate in the Singing Week in Tarragona (1 hour by train under Barcelona). I kept a diary about that week, but I'm just halfway in typing it out, so you'll have to wait a bit longer for that. It will be in Dutch, and I will post a link to it here. Hopefully I can illustrate it a bit with the photo's that Rob and Marcel took. Had a very quiet birthday the Tuesday after my return from Spain and then celebrated it for family on the 1st of August. Got lots of books and kitty toys. We had a very nice American chocolate cake (home made of course) in the afternoon and two pasta salads for dinner. The last people left at about 21:30 and we went to bed at 00:00 after some preparations for Castlefest. Went to Castlefest on Saturday August 2nd with some fellow EE'ers to spread some flyers and have fun. Bought cute necklaces for my mother and her girlfriend, 2 sets of felt-wool and lots of mead. I got a very cute bookworm plush doll from Cora and Rene, which is now residing in my bookcase. Next weekend our second try at a 'stockruim' and next week we will be getting two kittens from the shelter. Can't wait! We'll probably do clicker training with the kitties to teach them a few basic manners and perhaps some tricks (like 'sit' and 'high five'). Written by Brenda :: 05 Aug 2008 - 11:00 :: Prrrr.. 1
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