Maladignia's blog
Sitting cat Welcome to my home-cooked journal.
Here you will find my rants about every day life and things that keep me busy.
In the past I have frequently written, but there's no saying if I'll continue on that path. It all depends on how busy I am.
Have fun reading my scribbles.

Vacation, that will be the reason of why I still haven't received the requested offers for the glass tabletop. Somehow all the people that you might want something from are celebrating the vacation, while my work still continues. Why? I really need that tabletop before the 1st of August for my birthday 'party'. Via the internet I've tried 2 companies now and my mother will ask a third one in Apeldoorn. Haven't heard from the Theaterobers either, though I sent my subscription some time ago.

So, no vacation for me. Work goes on in the web-world. Of course I could take some days off, but I'm hoarding my free days for when I really need and want them. Even though being free would be very nice in this weather, it would only mean a few days respite from work and probably a regret when I really need a day off. So, working on.. though the sun does slow me down. Sometimes I really long for the 'old days' of school with the long summer vacation.

The tent isn't going very fast and we have just discovered that all weekends up until the Summoning are filled already. Well, for Matthijs, that is. This weekend EE organizes a one-shot again, but I won't be there. The set up is such that the organization (us) will be locked up in a room for most of the time and I don't think my nerves can take that when there's not much sleep or stuff to do. So I'm skipping that. Of course Matthijs will go; he has to do most of the technical stuff and this one-shot requires a lot of tech. So, my weekend is free. The nasty thing is that Matthijs is way more on the detail and the straight lines than I am and it is quite important for some of the things to be straight and neat. You can very well let me varnish or glue things, but when things should be drawn and/or cut straight, better let someone else do it. Which kind off takes away the advantage of me having a free weekend. (Though I still have lots of other unfinished projects literally lying around.) In the end it is of course just a matter of me being insecure and seeking insurance and shared responsibility.

Then there's a weekend in which Matthijs goes to some nerd-thing in Almere on Saturday and that Sunday is a Leviathan special. On the one hand we could really use the Sunday to work on the tent. On the other hand 'bonding' with the faction would be a good idea and most of our group is going. The weekend after that one is my birthday on Saturday and Castlefest on Sunday. Yes, we could skip Castlefest (Sunday is also the least attractive day) but it is a part of the summer-feeling and I'd rather not miss it. And then we have the Summoning already. Honestly, where did the time go?

That leaves us with the workday evenings, but this week those are filled with preparations for our one-shot, next week an evaluation and Exodus meet, a friend of Matthijs visiting and me going of to work in Amsterdam to talk about some project for which e-mail appears not to work as a communication channel (no problem on my side...).

Well, at least the sun is shining. ;-)

Written by Brenda :: 16 Jul 2009 - 10:43 :: 0 Comments :: Link