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Symbols 10: Endgame
![]() The end of a 5 year cycle of 10 events and some specials and barnights. If I remember correctly I did all 10 events, one special and one barnight. I'm not really into specials or barnights in any setting. Halda managed to survive all these 10 events. She didn't even get close to dying, though she did get close to leaving. If it hadn't been for her pack that wanted to stay put in Runewall for protecting the villagers, she would've left. Running away from her problems was her usual solution, but she couldn't once they were stuck in Runewall. I'm not emotional about Symbols ending. After 10 events it is good that it could end in such a good way. Much better than just blowing up the whole setting or just stopping in the middle of a story. Of course more could be done in the setting, but the main story is over and continuing would have become a drag soon. Also I'm not grieving about not having to paint myself Kryolan 501 grey anymore. ;-) This event was fairly relaxed for me. We arrived at about 14:00 to put up the camp, which was finished at 16:30. Much better than the normal last-minute-fixes-in-the-dark. I was even the first to get gray, while the event before this one I tried to put that off as long as possible and didn't want to go in character. Also, on Sunday my mood was 10 times better than usual. Even when I didn't get much sleep; 06:00 on Friday, 04:00 on Saturday and getting up at around 11:00. Breaking up the camp was largely done in character, making it less work after time out. And yay, we could finally get rid of all the tree decorations instead of taking them home again. We made Simon a gift of the Nocona banner and Hans took home our chant-banner (the moon is my heart etc.) Still, it was 17:00 when we finally left the site because we'd taken our sweet time in breaking up the camp. However, it's only a one hour drive for us so we were home quite on time and even unpacked the whole car and managed to get to bed early, having done one part of the laundry already. Now there's only Vortex and Dummnoni left, though the latter is getting less and less fun because of the dwindling number of participants. Sometimes I get the feeling that I should stop larping altogether. More and more often I get the feeling that Matthijs and I are more serious about getting things to look right than others, resulting in struggles every now and then and frustration. Also, I often get the feeling that people take if for granted that we bring so much stuff for the camp every time (tent, cooking stuff, food stuff and baskets, etc.) Next to that we both enjoy camp life more than most plot, so perhaps we should gradually get into reenactment.... Anyway... this Friday we'll be having dinner (kaas fondue) with some (ex-)Musili and two of them will sleep at our place, because they come from far. We'll need to clean the house a bit and of course it's a normal workday.. so I should get to work again. Written by Brenda :: 30 Sep 2009 - 11:20 :: 0
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