Maladignia's blog
Sitting cat Welcome to my home-cooked journal.
Here you will find my rants about every day life and things that keep me busy.
In the past I have frequently written, but there's no saying if I'll continue on that path. It all depends on how busy I am.
Have fun reading my scribbles.
Dormers done

The outside has been finished for about a week now. Last week on Thursday the borders of the roof were attached and that was the finishing touch. Well, the actual finishing touch was our contractor stopping by to put some PU foam in the last cracks. Our darling kitty Melisse promptly sat in a blob of the foam and we had to catch her to cut the stuff out of her coat before she'd try to lick it all up...

So now we've got lots of light in the attic but we need to do all the finishing work ourselves (that was the deal). So we need to insulate the roof bits that are left, decide what kind of ceiling we want, finish roof/ dormer-walls with some plates and paint. Redo the old walls because nearly all wallpaper has been torn off, decide what kind of floor to put in and what furniture to place where. We had the floor of the attic tested for asbestos, negative, yay! So we're clear to start redecorating. This might take a few months...

Meanwhile Amersical (thank god they're working on a new website) and social stuff is taking up a lot of our weekend time. For Amersical the performance is coming closer. 12th, 13th and 19th of May we'll perform the piece 'Vlucht' 5 times. Three afternoons and two evenings. Check our website for the location and more info about the musical.

For Moving Stars (another horrible website...) I need to get practicing on the whole choreography which I have missed. I only started in January so I missed the months September to December, which is about 2 minutes of dance. 2 Minutes does not sound much but when you see how many difficult and swift movements you can cram into 2 minutes you'd be surprised. So three weeks ago I recorded the group dancing and now I have a crappy video to teach me the steps. Yesterday I actually got assigned a place in the line up and a 'partner' for some steps of the dance so I should really work on getting all steps into my head. Performance 3 times in the weekend of 29th of June - 1st of July.

We're still clearing away all sand from our back garden that was left after we finished redoing the terrace and borders. "Occupy Amersfoort" as we lovingly call the heap in the middle of the garden has been diminished to about a sixth of its original size. But it still a lot of sand. It's going to Ermelo a few (10 or so) sacks at a time to a friend of Matthijs' family. Hurray for our new car that can actually handle the stuff without sagging through the suspension.

For Amersical I need to get to work on my costume. Basically I need to make an apron, but I have to go get the 'fabric' first which is not so much fabric as it is a plastic table cloth from the Praxis. And I need to get working on the robe of the 'big guy' of the play. However, a piece of our serger broke so we need to get that fixed first. I'll have to call the repair shop today and see if they are willing to give it a try. The official Brother repair unit told me that parts for this machine are no longer available. Drat!

So, enough to do. What am I doing writing a blog post? Let's get some groceries and then get to work.

Written by Brenda :: 01 Mar 2012 - 10:13 :: Prrrr.. 1 Comment :: Link