Maladignia's blog | |
I have the feeling I am making up for the years of not visiting a doctor in just this one month. First rinsing out my ear, then a visit to check a little bump on my head, after that the removal of the bump (which was just a cyste) and this morning the removal of the stitches. All short consults and nothing too serious but still... I've been doing lots of fun stuff lately. We visited the muscial Miss Saigon, then we went to the Moots. This Saturday was the 55th anniversary of my grandparents' marriage (home visit and dinner in a restaurant) and yesterday evening we went to the live show of The Ultimate Dance Battle. Next up is a visit of friends this Saturday (after hopefully the last Amersical klusdag...) and balfolk in Wageningen on Sunday. And then we have one weekend to fix the fence between us and our neighbours and have the final rehearsal for Amersical. And then the "this is it" moment: 2 weekends of performing our musical Vlucht (fuck frame websites...). As of May 1st I'll be working one day less in the week. Fridays will be off. Yay! Time to figure out what I want with my life because I don't want to stay where I currently am. Written by Brenda :: 23 Apr 2012 - 12:01 :: Prrrr.. 1
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