Maladignia's blog
Sitting cat Welcome to my home-cooked journal.
Here you will find my rants about every day life and things that keep me busy.
In the past I have frequently written, but there's no saying if I'll continue on that path. It all depends on how busy I am.
Have fun reading my scribbles.
WAD and the blues

Yesterday was World Animal Day (Dierendag) and a shopping Sunday here in Enschede. Though I set out to buy myself some new sweaters I only managed to buy a kitty hammock for on the radiator (heating) before I got the Fall-Blues (something about feeling ugly and getting depressed for no apparent reason). They already slept in it, making all my doubts (would they like it? where could we hang it?) vanish. I found them the last open place at the heating in the living room, next to the couch.

Friday evening the dinner with (ex-)Musili was great. It was about 03:15 when we finally went home after said dinner and playing a few games of 'Once upon a time...'. Jacqueline and Joost stayed over at our place because they came from Eindhoven. We slept in until 13:00 on Saturday.

Saturday evening was the housewarming of Theo and Jessie, two other ex-Musili. That afternoon we went to the Intratuin to buy a pot plant for them. However, we also found a base-plate for a fire basket, three new torches and kitty-grass. Yay! I like the Intratuin, I love the plants! In my next home I want more big plants throughout the house, instead of some small things in my windowsill.

We went home from the housewarming at 23:30 because we were quite tired still. Sunday I woke up at 09:00 to feed the cats and when I saw the sunshine outside I decided to go do some shopping. Alas, I did not know that shopping Sunday only starts at 12:00 so I had to entertain myself for 1,5 hours in the city. That didn't improve my mood and when finally the shops opened it had started raining again as well.

Fashion nowadays is turqoise, purple or grey and while there's not much wrong with those colors, enough is enough. After three shops of those colors and only flimsy (way too expensive) shirts or almost unwashable woolen vests I really got depressed. I didn't have the energy to find some nice cosy warm sweaters and I started telling myself that everything that looked so nice in the shop windows only would look nice on a size 36 (Dutch measure...). Currently I'm again in a I-am-too-fat-and-nothing-I-do-will-help mood that makes me want to eat lots of chocolate, which will only make me feel guilty.

Such moods will eventually pass but it didn't help with the shopping. So I decided to go home. I tried to call Matthijs to prepare some comforty hot chocolate milk and to install the game "Day of the Tentacle" on my system so we could play it, but he was still asleep.

So, installing the game was done after breakfast/lunch on the Ubuntu side of my laptop and we played the game the whole afternoon. It's quite old and all pixels but it has a good bit of humor in it and eventually it lifted my spirits a bit. After dinner we played a bit more and then watched the movie 'Enchanted'. Yay for Disney!

So, now another working week with at the end on Saturday a visit to my mom. My brother will come too, he came back from his internship in Switzerland yesterday. Let's hope my ugly mood will have vanished by then.

Written by Brenda :: 05 Oct 2009 - 13:08 :: Prrrr.. 1 Comment :: Link
Jojo wrote at 2009-10-07 10:36

I know exactly what you mean... And if it's indeed like mine, saying that it's not true probably won't help, but I say it anyway: You're only thinking that and it's not true, you're a lovely young lady and fashion is just there to make everybody over size 38 feel horrible! *hug* Hope you'll feel better soon!

Oh =) And we need to meet up somewhere soon! Still haven't seen your place ^^ Or more important, your "gespuis"!

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