Maladignia's blog
Sitting cat Welcome to my home-cooked journal.
Here you will find my rants about every day life and things that keep me busy.
In the past I have frequently written, but there's no saying if I'll continue on that path. It all depends on how busy I am.
Have fun reading my scribbles.

So, my laptop was broken and I brought it back to Azerty so they could look at it and fix it. On Friday afternoon I brought it back, on Friday evening they call me 'we have had your laptop running for half an hour now, and it still hasn't crashed'. Well duh! Sometimes you have to try harder, I never said that it would crash within half an hour.

So Wednesday I get a mail saying 'we could not reproduce the error/crash, so there is nothing wrong with the laptop. This will cost you 17 euros, with shipping payment that would be 26,95. If you pay now, you will have the laptop tomorrow.' So, I pay, and on Thursday the laptop is indeed delivered.

Today I start working with the laptop again and guess what? I turn it on on 09.20 and on 10.21 it crashes because I try to resize a frame in a webpage. What do you mean, it isn't broken?! This time I made a photo with our digital camera. I'll show them the 'reproduced problem'. OMFG I am pissed off!!

Need to calm down now, in half an hour I have my next driving lesson. Getting on the road, pissed off isn't such a good idea. But Azerty hasn't heard the last of it yet. The least they can do is return my 26,95 euros, because apparently the thing IS broken. And what they really should do (and should have done already) is just give me a new one. Assholes.

Written by Brenda :: 29 Mar 2009 - 23:33 :: Prrrr.. 2 Comments :: Link
Lupijn wrote at 2006-10-21 14:28

Nou, nou, wát een klantenservice daar bij Azerty... Ze hadden je gewoon een nieuwe moeten geven. Of veel langer moeten testen tot ze het probleem te pakken hadden. Ik vind dat je volkomen gelijk hebt wat betreft het terugeisen van de E26,95!

Someone wrote at 2006-10-23 12:04

ARGL! Dat zuigt idd. Maar ja... ze willen het nu eenmaal afhandelen... de onverlaten.

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