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Alive and larping
![]() So, did Symbols 9 - Breach and last weekend Moots I and had loads of fun. Symbols 9 was a bit more quiet for Halda than 8, at least on a personal level. The protective wall going down and all the evil black spirits bursting into the town trying to slay everybody was quite exciting. The wedding of Rallin (Matthijs) and Ashala (Sanne) was very nice. Quite serious with serious pledges and mixing of blood and such, and a very good 'Nocona-zuip' afterwards with singing. The weather was great, though we had to pack up the tent wet due to a last minute rain. Moots on the other hand had drab weather. Lots and lots of rain, though the Saturday was fairly nice. Big set-back was the mandown on Saturday afternoon. Just after a battle on the Leviathan grounds (on which our camp is situated) a man was hit by a heart attack and had to be reanimated. It seemed to take half an hour before the medics were finally on site, but it had not taken more than 10 minutes I think. First aiders and crew actually saved the man's life. He's still in the hospital, but out of immediate danger. Of course everybody was shocked by the event, but there was support for the people that really needed it and we were well informed by the crew and SL so no real panics or chaos broke out. Great work of all involved. Does make you think about your own safety measures though... Play was picked up again around 20:00. The play on the Moots was good. My character, Enid, has a big secret and Kadlin (Cora) is actually coming close to discovering it. Had great conflict with Kaas, who plays Enids husband Vandar. Did a lot, and I really mean a lot, of healing because our two 'heroes' Rydgar (Rene) and Vandar had to be in front of the battle every time and they do take their hits. (Honestly, I saw a guy get hit by a huge axe in the legs three times in a row and he didn't even wince! Even if you're made out of diamond or something, you at least get swiped off your feet!) One of the best things this weekend was that Enid got 'abducted' by one of the Children of Dela under false pretensions: it would be just a joke, really I should just come along. So Enid played along and was rewarded by a man in black who threw her on the ground and cut her wrist! After they took blood from her, Enid was healed and put on her feet again but she was shocked to the bone. And then the companion of the offender even told her that her blood was going to safe people and she should be honored. Well, Enid honored him by slapping him in the face, which means a lot because she really is a shy girl. I truly hit the guy because I ended up with facepaint on my fingers. It made a nice slapping sound as well. :-p Had Pandora the week before the Moots. It was fun, but very tiring. This year we had a hard start and some difficulty with some of the puzzles. However, we ended up third of the 15 participating teams. And we were the coolest team. We had chosen the Blues Brothers as our team theme and dressed like them. At the end party we even performed with 3 songs (Peter Gun theme, Raw Hide and Everybody needs somebody). This was probably our last year of Pandora, if Matthijs actually will graduate this year. ;-) Next up is Damada, a balfolk festival in France. It's the same weekend as Aon, which the Badawi won't participate anymore. I'm looking forward to it, though it's a bit exciting too. Oh, and this weekend the goodbye of my little brother. He's going on internship in Switzerland. Written by Brenda :: 19 May 2009 - 16:32 :: Prrrr.. 2
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Sanne wrote at 2009-05-25 12:54
Zulke incidenten als op de Moots zorgen ervoor dat ik blij ben dat ik binnenkort mijn BHV-diploma moet halen. Ik ben ook zeker van plan dat bij te houden na volgend jaar. (De cursus is 160 euro, herhaling is 30. Als het eenmaal verlopen is moet je weer de cursus opnieuw doen, dus herhalen is heel verstandig.) Heeft er eigenlijk iemand binnen EE EHBO? Het is zeker de moeite waard om dat voor iemand te betalen. Er zijn vaak wel mensen met EHBO of BHV aanwezig, maar als je zelf iemand hebt in de crew weet je zeker dat je iemand met een geldig diploma hebt. De meeste mensen hebben een verlopen diploma en daar mag je eigenlijk niet mee werken. Dat is ook de reden waarom ik het per se wil herhalen op mijn eigen kosten. (Ik krijg gelukkig de cursus betaald door Biton.) Brenda wrote at 2009-05-25 16:58
JW heeft EHBO en Karijn heeft een verlopen EHBO/BHV die ze opnieuw wil gaan halen. En we zijn inderdaad aan het kijken of we met heel EE iets kunnen regelen, hoewel we wel door het hele land zitten natuurlijk. Er wordt gewerkt aan een noodplan. :-) Comments are closed for this story.