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Badly bruised the middle toe of my right foot Wednesday last week at taekwando. It's still hurting and purple. I don't think it is broken, the toe looks normal (except for the colour) and it only hurts on a few movements. Still, I can't walk normally, I'm limping, and I'm worried about upcoming Balfolk stage. I was so looking forward to a whole weekend of instructions and balls, but now I'm just worried that I won't be able to attend because of that stupid toe! No, I did not go to see a doctor. I googled around and found out that even if it is broken, the doctor can do nothing but put a splint on it, and that I can do myself (it does help). So, meh! Been a while since the last update. Bought two new mattresses and bed board, spending a lot of money. However, the old mattresses gave me a pain in the back and that made me reluctant to go to sleep, which is bad. Worked on a new over-skirt; black with green embroidery and sequins fabric made into a gypsy-skirt. And a new basic black skirt to go under that, though that one didn't really turn out as planned since my sewing machine was giving me trouble. The thread kept on breaking and when I finished the seam, it turned out that the other side (the outside...) looked horrible because of a wrong thread tension. Argh! Didn't feel like doing it all over again though. Spent a weekend with the EE crew in a chalet in Lochem. Played games, had lots of talks and watched a bad movie while drinking booze. It was a good weekend. Ended the weekend on Monday with Matthijs by doing a geocash in the vicinity of the park. We really need a better GPS because this one screws up the directions when you're in a we nearly gave up on finding the cash. Nearly, we found it in the end by restarting the GPS and using Google Maps. Went to the 'Korendag' yesterday in town. Saw a lot of choirs and had a good time. At the end of this year (school year, so in June) I'll have to leave Musilon because I'm not a student. So I hoped to find some choir that I'd like to perhaps join that. But most choirs are already saturated with women and really need more men. Upcoming: visit to the ocularist on Thursday, balfolk stage this weekend, StuKaFest on Thursday the 12th (with a Gospel workshop), Musilon concert on the 13th (you're all invited) and a Badawi meet on the 14th with in the evening the birthday party of my mom's girlfriend in Apeldoorn. Oh, and I'm planning on making a vintage vest-skirt combination that I saw on the market. ![]() ![]() That's my inspiration, but I'll use different fabrics. I hope to make it out of little scraps that I still have lying around. Written by Brenda :: 29 Mar 2009 - 23:21 :: Prrrr.. 1
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Jojo wrote at 2009-02-05 17:22
Dat ziet er wel erg leuk uit. Ook in zwart? Bij mij helpt het vaak om gewoon een ander klosje garen te pakken als de draad(spanning) aan het klooien is. Soms is het garen gewoon verrot ofzo... En veel succes/plezier met dansen, ik hoop echt dat je teen niet te veel problemen op levert. Vind het erg jammer dat ik geen geld heb... Comments are closed for this story.