Maladignia's blog
Sitting cat Welcome to my home-cooked journal.
Here you will find my rants about every day life and things that keep me busy.
In the past I have frequently written, but there's no saying if I'll continue on that path. It all depends on how busy I am.
Have fun reading my scribbles.

Spent a lot, and I really mean a lot, of time on my dress and skirt for Christmas. Actually did the seaming of the skirt on the 2nd Christmas day right before I went to pick up my brother and drive to Apeldoorn.

First day of Christmas my baby gave to me I spent the whole day sewing and in the evening made 3 bag-decorations/keychains for my mom, her girlfriend and my dad's girlfriend. I knew they'd probably have no use for them, but I enjoyed making the things and imagining the reactions. Matthijs was in Ermelo with his mother's family and I was home alone.

Second day of Christmas we would spend at my mom's new house in Apeldoorn from the start of noon till late in the evening. With a nice dinner and a huge (a)mount of presents under/next to the tree. I wore my new dress and skirt. They turned out very nice, but they're kind of unpractical since they both have a slight train. Wearing them outside is out of the question if I want to keep them clean and whole.

Got a lot of presents. The first two books of the "Soldier's Son" series of Robin Hobb, a 3 DVD box of Johnny Depp movies, two puzzle games (search for objects in cluttered rooms) for the pc, two books of the People series ("Prehistorie van de nieuwe tijd") which are largely out of print, a carving knife, carving board, a scarf and some more things that I can't remember right now. My presents were received well by others. I didn't get the 3rd book of the Eragon series (Brisingr) so I ordered it myself, along with the 7th and final book of the "The Death Gate" series secondhand.

Spent the weekend reading and enjoying the quiet time while Matthijs was reinstalling my computer. Worked a bit on Monday and Tuesday and used the Wednesday to prepare for the evening/night for which Bert (old flat-mate of Matthijs) and Chris (my brother) would come over. We played a lot of games and enjoyed the neighborhood's firework. The cats liked it a lot less, Lina hid behind the couch and even brave Melisse stayed near the tv-table for cover.

Didn't go to Joost's party in the end because we were cozy inside and outside was cold, and we were tired.

Slept in a lot, fooled around a bit, pimped the Musilon site with a new look and put the backup files back on my laptop in a new order. Tried to finish as much of the left over foods as possible before the 'real' start of the new year tomorrow on Monday. But for a good start we went for a 'walk' today, our first geocaching experience. Though the actual trail was rather short we made it a long walk because of a small miscalculation by Matthijs which got us wandering around the forest for almost an hour. It was fun!

Good intentions, mainly one: loose weight. Just like last year. I did loose 5 cm on my waist (on the best moment it was 7 cm) but that was by just quitting the candies. Now I want to change my breakfast/lunch and dinner too. Less stuff on my bread, only one helping for dinner. And I'd like to try to cycle a bit every morning. Since I work at home I don't get the "go to work" exercise. Oh, and try to hike/swim/skate/cycle for at least 1,5 hours every Sunday, next to my 2 hour taekwondo on Wednesday. That should help.

Now we really need to start practicing for Musilon, because we have we postponed that to the last possible moment of course. And happy new year to you all of course!

Written by Brenda :: 04 Jan 2009 - 20:22 :: 0 Comments :: Link
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