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Leisurely weekend with not so happy train-ing
Friday was the birthday party of Cora and Rene in Krimpen a/d Ijssel. From one corner of this country (Enschede) to the other corner. Estimated travelling time: 3 hours. Well, make that 4 or 4,5 and you're closer. We were ready for departure in Apeldoorn (we were already that far) when we heard that the train in front of us had had an 'accident' (probably a jumper) and we could not continue our journey. We were advised to travel back to Deventer and go to Amersfoort via Zwolle. As you can see on this map of the train routes, that was not an option. So we went to see if there was a bus to Amersfoort. There was, but the bus being property of Conexxion and having nothing to do with NS problems, I had to pay the full price (€8). The bus took 1 hour and 15 minutes to get to Amersfoort. Fortunately we had a good connection with the train to Rotterdam Alexander from where we took the metro and another bus to get near Cora and Rene's place where we arrived at 23.00 hour. The after party. The party was nice. We stayed till 03.00 and then went to Sna's place to crash. Next morning slept till 10.00, got up, had a nice breakfast and an episode of Angel and then went in the general direction of home. Since we had planned to go shopping on Saturday we did a bit of the Alexandrium. In the Xenos we got a lot of the stuff we needed, like a new teapot and tea glasses, 'grand foulards' for over the couches and a tablecloth. Later in the afternoon we had dinner in Deventer in a pizza restaurant that we knew from the time that I spent a lot of weekends with Dennis. After that we had to continue our journey via bus because ProRail was working on the train tracks. Since we had a nice day, it didn't matter much.
Spent the Sunday sleeping in, going to the Praxis and working around the house. I now have a shelf in the toilet, floors in my closets, neatly worked-away modem and stuff. If the bit of the drill hadn't broken we even would've had lamps hanging from the ceiling by now. Hurried to get dressed and fetch the train. Matthijs even made me breakfast. But when I got down to my bike I noticed it had a flat tire. Darn! So, I left the house an hour later than planned. Of course ProRail had not finished working as planned and I had to take a 'snelbus' to Almelo from Hengelo, which prompt ended up in a traffic jam.
Written by Brenda :: 26 Mar 2007 - 13:13 :: 0
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