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I really need to do a project that includes ridiculous amounts of non-color-matching fabric, leather and my serger... Yes, we have been packing the stuff from our hobby room. I think we may have had a shelve-of-holding or something because stuff kept appearing. I have good hope that with 4 cars (Cora & Rene hopefully, my mom, Dutchy, us) and two trailers it will work out this Sunday. Though of course some stuff will be left behind so we can stay in Enschede one more night: Tuesday to Wednesday. On Tuesday we will drag down the huge bookcase from our living room (if the new inhabitant doesn't want it, we'll know tomorrow) and have it picked up by Het Goed. On Wednesday Feenstra will come to check on the heater in the kitchen and lock it down. No more hot water from that point on, so we'll have to do the cleaning of the house in the morning. We had two candidates this morning for the apartment. Number 1 and 3 on the 3rd list so far. Number 1 was a bit surprised that he actually got called for this house, he was 'just browsing' at the moment to get a house away from the UT campus. He'll let us know tomorrow if he'll take it. Number 2 was on vacation and number 3 also said they want the house. (though official numbers 1-3 have said likewise...) This was the first time that we had actual Dutch people on the viewing... So, let's hope number one wants the apartment and can visit next Tuesday to decide what stuff they want to take over and what we should get rid off. We already did one trip to Het Goed for some small stuff and we have a new box ready for them. There's also a fair amount of trash to be brought to the dump, so we won't be sitting idle for a while! Written by Brenda :: 07 Jul 2011 - 16:39 :: 0
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