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My first power tool and other stuff
It's been a productive weekend. Although I didn't get around to all the sewing projects that I have lying around or am planning, I did finish up some long-due things.
Hmmz, after summing it up it doesn't look like much. However, it gave me a feeling of satisfaction about the weekend and it gave the kitties a (misplaced...) feeling of abandonment according to their mewing on Sunday evening. Next weekend we'll be helping to clear/clean the house of Matthijs' grandmother and on Saturday we'll drop by at my father's house for dinner. Last time we saw him was in July for my birthday. The weekend after that is not quite decided. On Friday Matthijs will attend his father's birthday but I'll pass. On Saturday evening we'll do Sinterklaas at Matthijs' mother's place. Saturday afternoon there's a nice balfolk workshop in Utrecht, but whether we go there depends on the preparations for Sinterklaas and if Matthijs wants to go to the 'HCC-dagen'. Sunday is for sleeping in late and perhaps a balfolk at Wageningen. Still no plans for Christmas. Matthijs will be away on the first day of Christmas to his mother and perhaps the second day to his dad. From 'my side of the family' there are no plans yet. Perhaps I'll invite my brother to dinner on the first day, he isn't planning anything yet. P.S. The extraction of my top right wisdom tooth went fine. It bled a couple of hours but two days later it felt like nothing had happened. The singing of the solo went ok too. I received compliments for my performance. I do need some work on the singing techniques but that was to be expected, why else would I attend this course? Written by Brenda :: 16 Nov 2009 - 09:57 :: 0
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