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Start of the new year
Well, the new year is already halfway it's first month so it is time for an update. The 31st of December I spent the day fiddling with candle wax. I took the old remains of some candles, melted it and poured it in a pudding form. On the first of January the candle burned the first time. Here's what it looked like: ![]() ![]() New Year's Eve was spent in a very thick mist. You couldn't see one meter in front of you at one time. All expensive firework was invisible, and we (all people at Joost's party) were glad we only had 'sterretjes'. It was the only firework you could actually see. Thursday the 3rd I, and my fellow future board members, visited the board meeting of the current board. Just to see what it was like. We decided that the new board should present the new policy at the next 'ALV' (January 14th), which was finished and sent the 10th. My good intention of loosing weight had to wait a little until the Evolution Events crew weekend (4-6 January) had passed with all the food, munchies and booze that are obligatory for such an 'event'. It was our mission weekend in which we decided in which direction EE will go. Then finally the first Wednesday after the vacation came and I could participate in a training of Taekwondo. It is very much like Shaolin Kempo (which I've done for 9 years and where I got as far as black belt), though some of the positions are just a bit different (feet closer together for example). Most kicks and defences are the same, though Taekwondo uses Korean as a language where kempo used Japanese. Even though I was not in shape, I gave all I could and I nearly frightened the girl I partnered with a little, I think. It felt wonderful to have some physical exercise again, even though it left me with muscle ache for three days. I visited the beginners class, though the teacher told me that I could visit the advanced class as well, since I already had black belt in kempo. On Monday there's fight training and on Wednesday there's technique training. Since I have Musilon at Monday, I can only participate on Wednesday, but fighting isn't me, so that's ok. Their kata's (they call it style forms) are very different from kempo kata's, much simpler in fact. I did recognise them from the tournaments I attended but it will take a while before I get the hang of it. The first kata is basically 3 times low defence and attack, 3 times center defence and attack and 3 times high defence and attack. But it's the direction and turning that has me a bit puzzled and will need getting used to. I hope I can find some time and space to practise the kempo kata's: see if I still remember them, I think them much more elegant. Well, back to work (which is going quite well). Written by Brenda :: 29 Mar 2009 - 23:28 :: Prrrr.. 2
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skarl wrote at 2008-01-13 20:26
Nog de beste wensen, beetje laat, was je oudjaar toch leuk? Ik moest helaas werken op die dagen dus ik heb weinig van het nieuwe en het oude jaar gezien moet ik zeggen. Bjorn en ik hadden echter 2 januari wel een nieuwjaarsverassing waar we de komende 18-tig jaar verantwoordelijk voor gaan zijn :) Dus eind augustus zullen we zien hoe dat eruit gaat zien. grtz sas sweet-wd wrote at 2008-03-21 02:08
Sorry, but what is mariburjeka? Jane. Comments are closed for this story.