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And then it shattered...
My parent's holiday is off. In fact.. their whole marriage is off. They were here this evening to tell my brother and me that they are going to seperate, have a divorce. My parents. Almost the only parents of my whole highschool class that were still together. They face my childhood cancer, the first three hard years of my brother's life, they went through the period of my dad's unemployment, they faced the problems that my mom had at work together. But now it is over. The solid rock that I thought their marriage to be suddenly crumbled to pieces. It feels like a bad dream, but I know that it won't be gone by next morning. Written by Brenda :: 18 Apr 2007 - 22:13 :: Prrrr.. 6
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Sna wrote at 2007-04-18 23:47
Ik kan je niets anders dan veel sterkte toewensen, meid... ik ken helaas de situatie uit persoonlijke ervaring. Jeroen wrote at 2007-04-19 10:50
Damn.... dat is erg klote voor jou en je broertje. Veel sterkte en als je wilt praten ofzo dan kan je me altijd even bellen of mailen. Glok wrote at 2007-04-19 19:03
Ah crap :S Sterkte indeed. Dennis_D wrote at 2007-04-19 21:47
Hey Bren, heel veel sterkte en knuffels! Ik kan helaas niets toevoegen om het beter te maken, maar ik denk aan je. We should talk soon. Groetjes, Dennis Suusje wrote at 2007-04-20 10:05
Bah wat naar, sterkte Brenda! Sas en Bjorn wrote at 2007-04-22 01:35
Heel veel sterkte toegewenst meid, want zulke dingen zijn nooit leuk. Ookal kunnen wij niet uit ervaring meepraten met ouders die gaan scheiden. Veel sterkte gewenst vanuit Venlo grtz Sas en Bjorn Comments are closed for this story.