Maladignia's blog | |
About my last post: the whole group talked it through. Even though I do not completely understand how some people can not care whether they larp in between plastic bags and OC junk or in a dressed up IC tent, most of the storm is out of the air. It turned out that some people don't see our efforts anymore because they "have come to expect it" (like SL make sure the event looks ok and you take that for a fact) and "can not imagine why someone would go through such trouble, except whey they'd really like to" in which case you feel less compelled to thank those people. Fortunately there were also a few who said they did like the IC stuff and appreciated it. Aside from that I am apparently too direct (harsh) in my communications every now and again. Well, that runs in the family and I've heard it before. (However, I also heard before that my way of communicating is clear and pleasant) I'm just not someone to try to be all sunshine and flowers. Clear communication, in my opinion, goes before pleasantries. When I have an opinion, you'll hear it and it might not be in the flowery or friendly words that you'd like, especially not when I have the feeling that I have been wronged (whether that feeling is justified according to you, or not) and am trying to put that straight.. Well, back to the title of the post. Tomorrow evening I'll have to sing a solo for the Theaterobers, at the singing lessons that I follow there. Last lesson (2 weeks ago) was very useful with actual tips on how to sing better and what you can do with your vocal cords to give songs a different sound and meaning. In the coming two lessons we'll all sing a solo song and, as far as I know, make a choice on which songs will be sung at the show in June. There will also be a few choir songs. Tomorrow will be my turn... And then there's the dentist appointment. Yesterday morning I went to the dentist for a biannual check. Nothing wrong. However, one of my wisdom teeth will have to be extracted. There's a 'gap' between the wisdom tooth and the next molar, which makes it hard to clean it properly, and it does not have an 'opponent' so that it will probably become too long. That will be my first extraction ever, Other than this I have very healthy teeth. Last but certainly not least I have to deliver 7 CMS-powered websites before the 15th of November for work. With a lot of redesigning and stuff. I'm on my own on this one, at least as far as the programming is concerned. Bleh. Written by Brenda :: 27 Oct 2009 - 15:32 :: 0
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Moots was great. There was a huge nazi-plot going on which really gave me the creeps (some people got too much creeps and didn't like it much) and we had a lot of emo-play around the self-chosen death of Kadlin (Cora's character). A new meet is planned for this group on coming Sunday in Utrecht. I was really looking forward to that, until this afternoon. Unfortunately this event gave me a bitter after taste when I posted the costs for the groceries of this event on the forum and I got a "this is way to expensive for what I used" reply. That in itself wasn't too bad, but after I explained it and dared to mention (sideways!) all the work that we put into our nice camp and how we are not charging fuel costs for the transport, we got a "I don't give a fuck about the camp" reply from the same person. That hurt. Somehow, even though we didn't get a "thank you for bringing all that stuff" before either and people were obviously against putting work into making things look IC, I had hoped that people appreciated it. However, we only got "thank you"s and compliments from the other groups in our faction. And a "I don't give a shit, don't try to blackmail me with this" from a member of our own group. The person also mentioned being fed up with all the hussle about the IC-ness of our camp every time. Well, I'm getting fed up with all the people that do not even try to make it look IC. I appreciated it when some people decided to go sleep OC and we could keep both tents nearly completely dressed up IC. I think it was better for all of us. I regretted the choice of a few that wanted to eat with the catering, instead of with us from our campfire. However, it also gave us less of a cooking hassle, so in the end that was ok too. And even while I don't feel the same about "cooking in character takes too much time, it's not worth it", I accepted the fact that people didn't really appreciate the trouble we go through bringing the cooking supplies and Matthijs supervising the fire and dinner everytime. I was sad, but I think I handled it well enough. I had hoped that it had gone better this time. After the Summoning I swore never to do it again if what happened there (us being left with lots of stuff to pack in the pouring rain) happened again. And behold, it didn't happen again this moots. Everything could be packed dry (or nearly, in case of the ground sheets). We actually left with a good feeling before it was full dark. And now that good feeling is gone too. With Dummnoni dead or dying (SL couldn't handle the questions and constructive criticism of the players and they called it quits) Vortex was the only larp left where I play. However, with this kind of attitude and friction in the group, I'm about to quit it. Perhaps try the Children of Dela, though their group is really large as it is already. Or try one of the larps that I didn't try yet (charm, maerquin). Or just quit altogether. However, there's still Matthijs to take into account. He likes his Vortex character. We'll have to think on this. For now, I'm just literally nauseous because of it all. Written by Brenda :: 23 Oct 2009 - 21:11 :: Prrrr.. 2
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Written by Brenda :: 13 Oct 2009 - 10:36 :: 0
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WAD and the blues
Yesterday was World Animal Day (Dierendag) and a shopping Sunday here in Enschede. Though I set out to buy myself some new sweaters I only managed to buy a kitty hammock for on the radiator (heating) before I got the Fall-Blues (something about feeling ugly and getting depressed for no apparent reason). They already slept in it, making all my doubts (would they like it? where could we hang it?) vanish. I found them the last open place at the heating in the living room, next to the couch. Friday evening the dinner with (ex-)Musili was great. It was about 03:15 when we finally went home after said dinner and playing a few games of 'Once upon a time...'. Jacqueline and Joost stayed over at our place because they came from Eindhoven. We slept in until 13:00 on Saturday. Saturday evening was the housewarming of Theo and Jessie, two other ex-Musili. That afternoon we went to the Intratuin to buy a pot plant for them. However, we also found a base-plate for a fire basket, three new torches and kitty-grass. Yay! I like the Intratuin, I love the plants! In my next home I want more big plants throughout the house, instead of some small things in my windowsill. We went home from the housewarming at 23:30 because we were quite tired still. Sunday I woke up at 09:00 to feed the cats and when I saw the sunshine outside I decided to go do some shopping. Alas, I did not know that shopping Sunday only starts at 12:00 so I had to entertain myself for 1,5 hours in the city. That didn't improve my mood and when finally the shops opened it had started raining again as well. Fashion nowadays is turqoise, purple or grey and while there's not much wrong with those colors, enough is enough. After three shops of those colors and only flimsy (way too expensive) shirts or almost unwashable woolen vests I really got depressed. I didn't have the energy to find some nice cosy warm sweaters and I started telling myself that everything that looked so nice in the shop windows only would look nice on a size 36 (Dutch measure...). Currently I'm again in a I-am-too-fat-and-nothing-I-do-will-help mood that makes me want to eat lots of chocolate, which will only make me feel guilty. Such moods will eventually pass but it didn't help with the shopping. So I decided to go home. I tried to call Matthijs to prepare some comforty hot chocolate milk and to install the game "Day of the Tentacle" on my system so we could play it, but he was still asleep. So, installing the game was done after breakfast/lunch on the Ubuntu side of my laptop and we played the game the whole afternoon. It's quite old and all pixels but it has a good bit of humor in it and eventually it lifted my spirits a bit. After dinner we played a bit more and then watched the movie 'Enchanted'. Yay for Disney! So, now another working week with at the end on Saturday a visit to my mom. My brother will come too, he came back from his internship in Switzerland yesterday. Let's hope my ugly mood will have vanished by then. |