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Maglok styled update
An update in Maglok style.
Been doing Some working of course. Not everything is going as smoothly as would be desirable, but progress is steady. I also found me a new dentist. I put the subscription in the mailbox today. My last dentist stopped because of administration rules or something and I didn't bother finding a new one. Good thing too, because that was back in Ermelo, I now have a new dentist in Enschede. I've been trying to find a new doctor (huisarts) as well, but somehow there's this rule that whenever I need a doctor, they're on vacation or having a day off or something. So the first doctors office I called had one of those "we are not in, for emergencies you can...' etc. The next one told me that I should get my medical dossier first from my old doctor and then subscribe and make an appointment. Yes, they really need those medical files even though bumping your head against a door has nothing to do with all the other things that I went to the doctor for (painful knee, hurt foot, nasty mole, etc.). So I called my old doctor, guess what. They're on vacation until the 12th of August. Bumping my head took place more than a month ago, but my nose is still making a cracking noise when I rub it. Can't be good. But well, have to wait till the 12th to make an appointment to pick up those @!@##% medical files. Why can't they just send the stuff? Why isn't it in a central system or something? I also made me a new skirt with some of the fabrics that I got from Suus some time ago. Last Saturday Matthijs and I also did some shopping, so I've got a purple turtleneck shirt and a green vest. Been reading Been planning Matthijs has convinced me to learn to play the tin whistle. We saw a nice packet at Castlefest, but when we decided to return to buy it they were all gone. It consisted of a flute and an instruction book. Since I can't read notes and have no musical background whatsoever, it seemed a good idea to get an instruction book as well. Need to get working on the Varaashi-in-loincloth-through-the-forest-schemes. Together with Rene and Boudewijn we're going to plan a nice warrior initiation ritual/ceremony thing.
And an Evolution Events plan: ![]() More info at this topic at the Lextalionis forum. Written by Brenda :: 29 Mar 2009 - 23:30 :: Prrrr.. 2
Comments :: Link
Someone wrote at 2007-08-12 20:14
Hoi Brenda, ga je bij Simon in het team spelen? Ben heel benieuwd naar je achtergrond :) Aon is een nieuwe SL doop geweest, geen idee of ik er goed in was/ben/ooit zal worden, maar gezellig was het wel. En ja de frustraties kunnen hoog oplopen. Veel geleerd en nog veel te leren. Misschien zien we elkaar op AON 2 wel :) succes met je background in ieder geval. grtz sas Brenda wrote at 2007-08-13 08:57
Hey Sas, nee, ik ga niet in een groep. Groep waar ik bij wilde zat al vol. Ik ga (weer eens een keer) als eenling. Ben erg benieuwd of ik dat nog kan. Normaal lukt dat me alleen met super kinderlijke karakters, maar deze is toch wel een beetje serieuzer dan dat. Uitdaging dus. Als het echt echt niets wordt ga ik misschien nog wel npc'en, maar dat zie ik dan wel. Ondertussen is mijn kostuum al wel grotendeels af. :D Comments are closed for this story.